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Start for freeThe eruption date of the permanent incisors ranges from 6 to 9 years. Over-retained primary teeth refer to the condition where the primary tooth is still retained after the successor has erupted. Prolonged retention of a primary tooth, caused by atypical root resorption or failure of root resorption can redirect the eruption path of the permanent tooth. This frequently occurs in the mandibular anterior region, where the central incisors erupt lingual to their predecessors, resulting in two lines of teeth. An over-retained primary maxillary central incisor may result in ectopic palatal eruption of the permanent incisor and lead to a simple anterior cross bite.
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Xia B, et al. Children stomatology outpatient treatment requirements analysis and countermeasures. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2013;45:92–96.