Preventing early childhood caries (ECC) is important not only for the current generation of children but also for future generations.
To ensure visits to our center are comfortable and as stress-free as possible, procedures with nitrous oxide sedation (sedation dentistry) are available.
Abusive head trauma (AHT) often happens when a parent or caregiver becomes angry or frustrated because of a child's cryi
Mothers’ own milk is the best source of nutrition for nearly all infants.
Tooth decay in infants and very young children are often referred to as baby bottle tooth decay.
*This is an important post for expecting couples/parents of newborns.
Whose words do we follow? Read more.
My child is 10 months old and no teeth have erupted yet. What do we do ?
Here are your answers.
These are our recommendations
Among the major objectives of pediatric dentistry is to guide the developing dentition to a state of normalcy
Once your child has a tooth, your doctor may recommend that your child receive fluoride varnish treatments in the pediatric dentist's office to help prevent tooth decay.
It is always a delight to notice perikymata.
Cavities are preventable provided you are willing to add up some extra effort.
This detailed infographic explains in detail:
a) perinatal management approaches for pregnant women to improve the outcomes in mothers and neonates.
b) Summarizes the clinical presentation and management of neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection
c) Describe the neonatal multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.
A space maintainer refers to an appliance designed to retain a given area or space, generally in the primary and mixed dentition.
Milk tooth tipping and unsure why this happened ? This post is worth your time then.
Even before the teeth begin to erupt, you should always clean baby's mouth at least once a day with a clean gauze pad or soft cloth
Children deserve beautiful teeth as the adult counterparts. Esthetics although are not the major highlight of treatment in children, restoring function remains top priority.
Bacteria from your mouth can naturally be transmitted to your baby's mouth.
Guidelines to maintain the newborn's oral hygeine. Age specific: 0-5 months
The challenge always remains when it come to protecting toddlers and young children from household dental trauma.
We have discussed about the cavities and their initiation process of cavities and why cleaning a child’s teeth is important right from infancy in my previous posts.
There are certain characteristics that you should look for in whatever toothbrush you choose, regardless of whether it is manual or powered.
Molar Incisor Hypoplasia is an important condition which needs to be addressed.